PetPocketbook Write-Up

PetPocketbook Write-Up

Hi, A few days ago, our scheduling system PetPocketbook published a blog post about myself and Simply Yours Concierge. I’m grateful to have been given the opportunity for further word to spread about the work we do. If you’re curious, please don’t...
Warmer weather tips for dogs and cats

Warmer weather tips for dogs and cats

Hi, As we are rapidly approaching warmer weather, I wanted to send over some tips and tricks for your dogs and cats to maintain a cool body, mind, and spirit. It’s important to try and stay cool during the warmer months of the year. For dogs and cats in...
A write up about Simply Yours Concierge

A write up about Simply Yours Concierge

Hi, A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a blog who wanted to write up some information about a local entrepreneur who has a dog walking/pet sitting company. It was super flattering and I was grateful to help. Simply Yours Concierge – A Lifestyle Services Company...
Pedestrian Safety while dog walking

Pedestrian Safety while dog walking

Earlier this year, during the pandemic, a teacher of an online alternative learning program in upstate New York reached out to me. She asked if I could so kindly link to an article relating to pedestrian safety while walking dogs. nnFrom what she told me, her students...
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